
Monday 23 January 2012

To blog or not to blog ??

After a short break from blogging I find myself questioning if I should continue......
Im passionate about beauty and make up and more than anything want to forge myself a career in beauty or build my own business.
So I pose this question to my fellow beauty bloggers - to blog or not to blog ?
I would love to hear any advice you have - what kept you going ? How did you get people to read your blog? Have you had a difficult time and wondered whether or not blogging is really for you ?
Is it normal to feel like this a couple of months into blogging ?
I look forward to hearing from you.

With Love
Lipstick Fridays


  1. I think it's normal to feel like that, after two months of blogging I myself took a two month hiatus! Don't feel guilty if you need a break, it's better than churning out posts you don't really care about, because readers can see through that.

    I try to keep myself going by reading my favourite blogs, and finding others but trying not to overdo it and spending all day looking at blogs. If I don't want to post on a certain day, then I wont. I also try to keep up with certain features, so I can have a topic to blog about if I'm feeling a bit uninspired.

    My best advice would be to blog when you want to and what you want to blog about :) xo

    Ps - in answer to your question, it's meant to say butter or margarine. Thanks for pointing out the typo, it's been rectified now :) xo

  2. PS - to get people to read and engage with my blog I commented on blogs which were similar to mine and left my url (I made sure my comment was relevant instead of just leaving my url though). To find the smaller blogs I commented on I often just clicked on the urls left on my favourite blogger's posts. I hope that this helps :) xo

  3. It's all about what you want to do. If you honestly love blogging, then continue! Otherwise, nobody will fault you for taking a break.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  4. I think your blog is great. Like Sarah I tend to comment and follow other people's blogs and most of them will follow and comment back x

  5. @Sarah - thanks so much for taking the time to comment, its great to get some advice from experienced bloggers and knowing that at some point in the beginning everyone feels a bit like that xx your blog is fab too and thanks again for taking the time to follow xx

    @Bonnie - Thanks for commenting , your totally right I think I may persist for a bit and see what happens instead of pressuring myself to keep going xxx Your blog is great those Vince Camuto boots are amazing xx

    @Beauty Balm - thank you for commenting and your advice , I am definately going to give that a try xx thanks again xx

  6. If your passionate, keep doing it! I love blogging :)

    Enter my giveaway?

  7. Thanks for your comment on my blog, and for following!
    I am definitely following back!
    You should absolutely continue blogging if you feel inspired to do so, you have a wonderful blog!

    The Urban Umbrella

    1. That's great thank you xx I love your blog as well xx think us bloggers should stick together xx

  8. I feel the same way sometimes. If my heart isn't in it that day or for a few days I don't post. Then other days I go nuts posting. It's all about having the "drive" If your bored with what your blogging about, try different things. Don't just write about one topic, that can make it boring for you. I think it's normal to feel the way you do though. Happens to lots of people. I started my blog in November 2010 and I am finally after a year starting to receive emails from companies that want to work with me for reviews and giveaway which I am usually the one to hunt them down first. So it's nice to finally "be known" a little bit. It's starting to pay off literally as well by doing sponsored paid posts if that's something your interested in. The sky is the limit when it comes to blogging.

    The most important part is to grow your follower base first so that those opportunities will become available to you. What keeps me going? My love for beauty products and sharing my thoughts about them with my readers. Of course receiving them for free is nice, but with all the work put into the review posts I do in regards to the products, they aren't really "free". My advice is to keep going, don't give up!

    If you really love what you do keep doing it, get yourself out there more on social networks (Twitter, Facebook etc) Engage your readers. Communicate with them. This is a great tool to keep your readers happy and build new ones as well. Social networks are there just for that, communication goes a long way:) Best of luck! I'm your newest follower xo

  9. @Sophie - Thanks so much for your comment - Ive entered your giveaway - your blog is fab xx

    @The Urban Umbrella - Thanks for your lovely comment, you have a fantastic blog too xxx

    @Canadian Angel - Thanks so much for taking the time to post and your words of wisdom, its great to get advice from an experience blogger, I think perseverence is the key. Thanks again xxx

  10. Keep going, make it fun, but you also have to take a break from it. Blog when you can so your refreshed. Leave comments on other bloggers sites, forums and any site where you can leave a comment on and leave your url. Your new follower.

    1. Thanks for commenting and your advice xx I'm also following you xx

  11. I have exactly the same problem:) I think it's all about finding the rhythm and time to write, and I think that probably takes time - I've only been blogging for 4 mos, and somedays I hate it! But it's gotten me two paid writing jobs so far, so it's worth the slog sometimes. Hope you keep at it, I'm following and enjoying your blog:)

    1. Really ? That it fantastic that you have managed to gain work through your blog xx It gives me some hope that it is worthwhile and Im definately going to keep going xx Thanks for your lovely comments xx

  12. I don't blog for anyone else but myself... I adore having followers and comments and knowing that there are people out there who check it out and read it... but I'd do it regardless... for me my blog is more of my beauty diary that I chose to share, I don't plan on ever making money from it...

    having said that, sometimes you do need a break... and if you're not into it, then you're just not into it... don't feel obligated to continue with something that starts to feel like a job you dread :)

    personally I hope you continue, I just found your blog, and like it a lot :)

    1. Thanks so much for commenting xx
      I think that is the best attitude to have - do it because we love it rather than because we feel we have to xx
      I think I just need to look at it as something I do because I enjoy it and love beauty products and make up rather than feeling like I must post xxx
      Any way thanks again for the lovely comments xx keep in touch xx
