
Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year

I hope that you all had an excellent time at Christmas and are looking forward to a happy 2012.
I wanted to share my resolutions for the new year with you all in the hope it might help me stick with them ! I think I might check back in February and see how its going !

1. I am going to focus on all the great things that I have im my life instead of the things that I dont.
2. I am going to make more time for family and friends.
3. I am going to continue working towards my dream of having my own Beauty Salon.
4. I am going to lose weight this year so I can feel more confident and happy in my own skin.
5. I AM going to use all my products up to the last drop before feeling the need to buy another!
 (The last one is because at this moment I seem to have seven different cleansers in my bathroom cabinet  - how does that happen ?!)

Have you made any resolutions for the new year?

I have lots of products that I will be reviewing over the next few weeks - one of my favourites is from the December Glossy box so keep your eyes peeled.

With Love
Lipstick Fridays


  1. Happy New Year! I am the same with cleansers! x

  2. Happy New Year! Some great resolutions, I hope this year brings you everything you wish x

  3. Happy new year to you @Cat0805 - hope your dreams come true in 2012 xx
